


. RTS :
Request To Send. This is when the computer tells the modem that it wants to send information to the other computer. It is only used in half duplex mode.

. Blog : Weblog的簡稱(省略we) 即網上日誌

. Wiki : wiki-wiki 是夏威夷語裡「快(quick)」的意思。wiki 是一種簡單快速以提供「共同創作(collaborative)」環境的社群網站

. Spawn : 為小型出版者,藝術家,作家的共同發表作品的網路環境, 請見 Spawn.org上的解釋

. AstroTurf : 請見 Wikipedia上的解釋

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 是一種用來分發和匯集網頁內容 (例如新聞標題) 的 XML 格式。
透過 RSS 的使用,供應網頁內容的人可以很容易地產生並傳播新聞鏈結、標題和摘要等資料。其他包括 CNet News.com 和 Christian Science Monitor 等網站也在使用 RSS 對更廣泛的讀者派送網頁內容。許多Blog網站提供RSS的格式, 現在Yahoo!奇摩新聞也有提供請見http://tw.news.yahoo.com/rss/, 個人可以下載RSS reader定時讀取新聞

. Atom : A simple way to read and write information on the web, allowing you to easily keep track of more sites in less time, and to seamlessly share your words and ideas by publishing to the web. 請見 Atomenabled.org

. PayPal
PayPal is the world's largest online payment service. PayPal makes sending money as easy as sending email! Any PayPal member can instantly and securely send money to anyone in the U.S. with an email address. PayPal can also be used on a web-enabled cell phone. In the future, PayPal will be available to use on web-enabled pagers and other handheld devices.



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