


下面這篇文章是在國外論壇熱烈討論, 在IT技術領域工作十年以上的朋友, 您的如何保有對技術的熱情?

Subject : lost my passion for this field

I entered the IT field in the mid 90s when there were plenty of high paying jobs and job security to go around. I finished my BS degree in computers and found myself in jobs where I do everything from programming to networking to databases.

After nearly 10 years in the field, I'm burnt out. A successfuly IT pro has to constantly learn new stuff that has a limited shelf life. If you learn to be a bricklayer, that information is good for life. Your knowledge doesn't become obsolete after a few years. But in this field, ya gotta be CONSTANTLY learning boring (IMO) technical details in order to remain competitive.

Quite frankly, I think I lost my passion for the field. Outside of work, I never read computer books/magazines/websites just for fun anymore. I'm more interested in reading about stuff like business and psychology.

I bought some Cisco certification books a couple years ago and still can't seem to bring myself to go through the certification process. I keep putting it off and putting it off. I started a few times but couldn't stay motivated. It seems like a drawn out, boring, time consuming chore to learn a bunch of information that will eventually be obsolete.

I like working with computers but they're a means to an end. I now see them as a tool to help businesses, nothing more. I don't about the different types of graphics cards or the "next version of Red Hat" or object oriented programming (yuck). I'm more concerned about using computers as a tool to help the company save/make profits.

Definitely thinking about a career change while I'm still young enough to do it. Can anyone else relate?
from : http://ct.techrepublic.com.com/clicks?c=599671-72143263&brand=techrepublic&ds=5&fs=0


我的感想是 :
感謝大家熱情回應, 在論壇中的"真情"有時比現實生活中人與人的相處更為真實而不虛偽.

一般而言, 讓一個人成為某方面技術的好手又能持續精進而成為專家(From Good to Great), 應該具備三種驅動力 :

經濟驅動力 : 這個技術在經濟上能支持您的生活, 如果生活難以為繼, 則很難持續
核心能力 : 具備這方面的能力或特長, 例如邏輯思考能力不足, 可能無法達到更好的境界
興趣 : 對這方面技術有高度興趣, 這也就是本討論中的熱情

我想在這個領域十幾年前面兩個應該都沒有問題, 但是第三個興趣或熱情的部分, 可能如首文所說的burnt out

也許有人認為熱情這件事是十幾或二十多歲的人才有的, 年近四十的人談的是家庭, 事業, 財務等, 這就是思想漸趨成熟或稱"世故", 但是當您金錢無虞, 也沒有能力的問題, 在人生未來的日子, 您還會選擇怎樣的工作, 還是IT技術嗎? 若是則表示您的熱情尚未消退, 低潮是難免的, 而能夠重新站起而保持熱情的 (賺錢的因素除外)有哪些呢?

我想到的有 :
a. IT技術不斷推陳出新, 喜歡接受挑戰
b. 學習新的東西, 這對自己來說是很有趣的
c. 成為專家的感覺很好, 因為爬上高山頂端的成就感帶來的快樂
d. 喜歡將學來的東西分享給他人, 分享是件快樂的事
e. 對特定IT技術例如程式語言有高度的興趣, 而與年輕同事談起當年的COBOL, RPGII, FORTRAN回憶年青的時光也很快樂


當然, 也許想想真正失去這些熱情了, 因為賺錢, 工作壓力, 家庭壓力, 壓得透不過氣了, 哪還有心情談熱情, 這時我會帶著妻小, 到山上或海邊, 忘掉這些東西, 或與好友聊天暢飲, 享受人生其他的快樂.



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