

Google 之外您可以有不同的選擇

一個英文網頁對Google Search的批評,如下
In recent search engine comparison tests, Google consistently puts relevant search results low in page rankings, hiding them on page 3 or 4 of the results, while all the other search engines correctly put those same results on page 1. There are a lot of unhappy webmasters out there.
Webmaster are being told that they need to tweak their web sites to conform to Google's requirements (and we can only guess what those might be). Google wants to put the burden and the blame on the webmasters. But, since none of the other search engines has a problem finding our web sites, ... it is clearly not our problem. Only Google has problems finding web sites. So, it is Google's problem. It is simply not finding many perfectly legitimate web sites, ... or it is ranking them so low that they might as well be invisible.

There's no sign that Google is trying to change that situation for the better.

I believe it is time to dump Google. Google is only big because we keep voting for it with our keyboards. It has grown too big for its own good.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's time to stop that. I have started advising all my friends and associates to use other search engines. Any other search engine is better! Here's why.

Google has become the worst search engine (only matched by AOL in incompetence). They've completely messed up their search engine. At best, in an overzealous attempt to stop people from abusing the system, they have made their page ranking so strict that they are hurting innocent people. At worst, they have sold out and become EVIL (despite their motto to "not be evil"), giving unfair advantages in page ranking to those who pay them.

If you don't believe Google is the worst, try a few comparative searches of your own. Looks for some web site you already know, but look for it not by name but using keywords, such as "Boston hockey club", or "Atlanta art gallery", or something like that. Preferably, look for a small non-profit organization, a social club, or a small business, ... someone who cannot afford to hire computer consultants to constantly keep up with Google's ever-changing whims. You will find that all other search engines (Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista, Lycos, A9, AlltheWeb, SearchSight, etc.) consistently give better results than Google.
找找看一些小型的非營利組織, 這些單位無法花錢找電腦顧問持續保持其在Google搜尋的排名, 可以考慮用其他的Search Engine)

So, why stay with Google? Why support a company that provides such crappy results? It's time to vote with your keyboard. Move on to a better search engine.

. Yahoo Search Engine - http://tw.search.yahoo.com
. AltaVista - http://www.altavista.com
. Lycos - http://search.lycos.com/
. MSN Window Live Search - http://www.live.com/?searchonly=true
. AllTheWeb - http://www.alltheweb.com
. Ask.com - http://www.ask.com/
. WebCrawler - http://www.webcrawler.com/
. Excite - http://www.excite.com/

. 將結果加以分類 http://clusty.com
. 結果以關聯圖表示 http://www.kartoo.com
. 結果以關聯圖表示 http://www.mooter.com/
. A9 - http://a9.com
. Search.com - http://www.search.com/
. DogPile - http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/
. SearchSight - http://searchsight.com/



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