適用版本 : VB 2010~2013
1. 二元一次方程式 aX + bY = c, dX + eY = f, 輸入a, b, c, d, e, f求X,Y的值
2. 以克拉馬規則(Cramer's Rule)
X = ( c * e - b * f ) / ( a * e - b * d )
Y = ( a * f - c * d ) / ( a * e - b * d )
3. 但是 a * e - b * d = 0 時, a * f - c * d = 0 時無限多解, a * f - c * d <> 0 時無解
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load TextBoxA.Focus() End Sub Private Sub ButtonExit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonExit.Click End End Sub Private Sub ButtonClear_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonClear.Click TextBoxA.Text = "" TextBoxB.Text = "" TextBoxC.Text = "" TextBoxD.Text = "" TextBoxE.Text = "" TextBoxF.Text = "" TextBoxA.Focus() End Sub Private Sub ButtonRun_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ButtonRun.Click Dim vA, vB, vC, vD, vE, vF, vX, vY As Integer If IsNumeric(TextBoxA.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBoxB.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBoxC.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBoxD.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBoxE.Text) And IsNumeric(TextBoxF.Text) Then vA = Val(TextBoxA.Text) vB = Val(TextBoxB.Text) vC = Val(TextBoxC.Text) vD = Val(TextBoxD.Text) vE = Val(TextBoxE.Text) vF = Val(TextBoxF.Text) If vA * vE - vB * vD = 0 Then If vA * vF - vC * vD = 0 Then TextBoxResult.Text = "無限多解" Else TextBoxResult.Text = "無解" End If Else vX = (vC * vE - vB * vF) / (vA * vE - vB * vD) vY = (vA * vF - vC * vD) / (vA * vE - vB * vD) TextBoxResult.Text = "X = " & CStr(vX) & ", Y = " & CStr(vY) End If Else MsgBox("只能輸入數字", vbOKOnly) End If End Sub End Class
上一篇 - Visual Basic解數學之二 : 使用牛頓拉夫森法(Newton-Raphson Method)求平方根近似值