1. 共同元素
. Logo
. 標題或公司名稱
. 副標題
. 上方工具列: 常見的項目有Basket(or cart), Help, login(or account, or my xxx)
. Search box and advanced search :通常在網頁右上方
. 上方導覽列: 通常為主導覽列, 也就是所有網頁均可以選到不會改變的導覽列, 設計方式可為固定式, 下拉式選單, 或動態的上方第二導覽列
. 下方列: 一般會放版權申明, 瀏覽器建議等, 有時會放主導覽列項目的連結或工具列項目的連結
. 其他可用的工具或網頁: Sitemap, What’s new, Glossary, Tour, 友善列印, Contact Us( or Feedback)
2. 首頁
. 橫軸banner: 企業形象或主產品的廣告, 可能為靜態圖形, 動態Gif或Flash
News 區
. 主產品廣告區
. 次產品廣告區
. 連結區
3. 內頁
. 左方導覽列: 或為次導覽列, 當然若無上方導覽列時, 它就是主導覽列, 設計方式為固定式, 向下展開式次選項, 橫拉式次選單等
. 瀏覽路徑(called breadcrumb)
. 內文區
. Go Top連結
. 小幅廣告區
. 右方連結區或第三導覽區
Fred @ 9/29/2004 06:36:00 下午
移除PDFforge toolbar or Search settings...就可以了
When surfing the web, if I got a 404 error (webpage not found) my browser automatically redirects me to mybrowserbar.com. I don’t like it. For me it’s a silly thing.
After searching in many forums, I found that it’s because of the PDFCreator program. When you install the program it will also installs a program called PDFforge toolbar. This toolbar will make your browser to redirect to mybrowserbar.com if a 404 page occurs.
But in my case, I didn’t find any PDFCreator program installed on my computer. In add remove program, there is a program named ‘Search settings 1.2.2′. I don’t know where this program comes from. I’ve never installed it before, so I try to uninstall it. Afterwards, my browser does not redirect 404 error pages to mybrowserbar.com anymore. So I think my problem is due to the program called ‘Search settings 1.2.2′.
If you find the same problem, to fix it, go to Add or Remove Programs and find the program ‘PDFforge toolbar’ or ‘Search settings 1.2.2′ and uninstall it. It’s that simple.
When surfing the web, if I got a 404 error (webpage not found) my browser automatically redirects me to mybrowserbar.com. I don’t like it. For me it’s a silly thing.
After searching in many forums, I found that it’s because of the PDFCreator program. When you install the program it will also installs a program called PDFforge toolbar. This toolbar will make your browser to redirect to mybrowserbar.com if a 404 page occurs.
But in my case, I didn’t find any PDFCreator program installed on my computer. In add remove program, there is a program named ‘Search settings 1.2.2′. I don’t know where this program comes from. I’ve never installed it before, so I try to uninstall it. Afterwards, my browser does not redirect 404 error pages to mybrowserbar.com anymore. So I think my problem is due to the program called ‘Search settings 1.2.2′.
If you find the same problem, to fix it, go to Add or Remove Programs and find the program ‘PDFforge toolbar’ or ‘Search settings 1.2.2′ and uninstall it. It’s that simple.
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